By supporting the arts at MIM, business leaders like you invest in our community.

Support Your Mission and Values

Can we discuss a customized partnership?

Please contact MIM’s philanthropy team at 480.478.6062 or

Connect with new audiences through digital, print, and on-site recognition opportunities.

On-site signage seen by 350,000+ guests annually

Digital reach of 185,000+ across MIM’s email and social channels

1M+ website visitors annually on

6K+ households on mailing list for quarterly publication

Inclusion in print, digital, broadcast, and outdoor advertising to expand your reach across the Valley

Corporate Partner Benefits

Give your team exclusive access to one of the Valley’s top cultural institutions. We’ll develop a custom benefits package tailored to your company’s priorities.

Options include:

Museum admission and special exhibition passes
Concert tickets
Volunteer opportunities at Signature Events
20% discount on space rental
Team-building activities
Employee day at MIM
And more!

Benefits are tailored to partnership level.

Thank You to Our Corporate Partners

Alliance Residential Company
Desert Financial Credit Union
John F. Long Foundation
Martin Guitar Charitable Foundation
PNC Bank

Sanderson Lincoln
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.
U.S. Bank